What’s NICO-YA’s Onigirazu

With selected nori, specialty rice,
and fillings perfectly suited to the rice,
our onigirazus aim to be the next signature food of Japan.
Nico-Nico Nori, which has brought smiles to dinner tables
with nori since its foundation in 1921,
offers you a new Japanese-style flavor.

  • NORI

    From the nori grown in Ariake Sea, Kyushu. we select early harvested nori, which melts in your mouth,is flavorful, and is fragrant mixed with green nori. Please wrap the nori around the rice ball just before eating an onigirazu and enjoy the crispress, flavor, fragrance, and meltability in your mouth.

    *Please eat it as soon as possible. as nori getsdamp easily.

  • SALT

    We use sea salt from Okinawa.This sea salt, made by pumping up seawater from the waterstoff Itoman, Okinawa, and boiling it down over a wood fire, is characterized by subtle bitterness and sweetness. Its subtle sweetness nicely enhances the flavor of rice.


    AŁ NICO-YA, we are passionate about each of the fillings for our origirazu, such as our homemade salted salmon made using Mild Seto Inland Sea salt and Japanese-style omelets with a concentrated baked-in-the-over flavor.

    Please enjoy our onigirazu.

  • RICE

    We blend white rice that is sticky. delicious even when cold, and suited to origirazu with glutinous wheat that feels elastic in the mouth and is rich in fiber in optimum proportion.

    We serve rice that is both delicious and healthy.



  • Salmon Roe Pickled Soy Sauce

    いくら醤油漬けSalmon Roe Pickled Soy Sauce

  • Grilled Salmon

    焼 鮭Grilled Salmon

  • Pickled Nanko Plum

    南高梅Pickled Nanko Plum

  • Tuna with Mayonnaise

    ツナマヨTuna with Mayonnaise

  • Flavorful Bonito Flakes

    おかかFlavorful Bonito Flakes

  • Kelp Boiled in Soy Sauce

    昆布佃煮Kelp Boiled in Soy Sauce

  • Beef in Sweetened Soy Sauce

    牛しぐれBeef in Sweetened Soy Sauce

  • Crepe pepper

    ちりめん山椒Crepe pepper

  • Salmon & Salmon Roe

    鮭いくらSalmon & Salmon Roe

  • Salty Rice Ball

    塩むすびSalty Rice Ball




  • Tender braised pork and crunchy sweet and spicy burdock

    柔らか豚の角煮とシャキシャキ甘辛ごぼう Tender braised pork and crunchy sweet and spicy burdock

  • Crispy spam and thick fried egg

    こんがりスパムと厚焼き玉子 Crispy spam and thick fried egg

  • Whole luxury salmon and flavorful salted kelp

    まるごと贅沢鮭と味わい深い塩昆布 Whole luxury salmon and flavorful salted kelp

  • Juicy soup rolls and flavorful rice cakes

    ジューシー出汁巻きと旨味たっぷりおかか Juicy soup rolls and flavorful rice cakes

  • Bibimbap with homemade spicy miso beef and colorful vegetables

    自家製辛味噌牛肉と彩り野菜のビビンバ Bibimbap with homemade spicy miso beef and colorful vegetables

  • Keema curry with soybean meat and vegetables

    大豆ミートと野菜のキーマカレー Keema curry with soybean meat and vegetables



902 Higashishiokojicho Shimogyo-ku,Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 600-8216, Japan
TEL 075-361-1515

  • ・Kyoto City Bus (Aquarium Shuttle Bus) Keihan Kyoto Kotsu Bus
  • ・Directly connected to each bus stop in front of West Japan JR Bus “Kyoto Ekimae”.
  • ・Get off at JR Kyoto Station. Immediately after exiting the Karasuma east ticket gate.
  • ・Directly connected to Kyoto Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line.
  • ・Get off at Kintetsu Kyoto Station. 5 minutes walk.